“Since an old friend asked me if I remembered who I was and I realized I’d lost touch. “Oh yeah, since when did you become my fucking mama?” “Ain’t gonna find your answer at the bottom of a bottle of Jack.” “Been asking myself the same fucking thing.”

“Now the answer is ‘I don’t know,’” I said honestly. You still want it? The gavel? Because a few months ago you said you didn’t want it yet you’re wandering around here like you’re a lost fucking puppy dog.” “The old Bear would have phrased that shit differently. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you’d turned into a big fucking pussy while you were gone.” He closed the safe and leaned against his desk, crossing his arms over his chest. King tossed me a small ziplock bag and I shoved it into my back pocket. May not live long enough to knock someone up.” The MC is gunning for me the second I step out onto their turf. “Right now I can’t see past tomorrow, never mind that far into the future. You’ll have your own to worry about, and then you’ll realize that the psycho you thought you were, the one no one was stupid enough to fuck with, should be very fucking afraid of the psycho you will become to protect your family.” It made him even more fucking crazy, just in a different way. Wanting to protect his kids didn’t make him soft. Since I’d gotten back to Logan’s Beach I was under the assumption that King had gotten soft, but I was wrong. It was stolen from us by our shit parents, and instead of a childhood we were given a big plate of harsh fucking reality. You and me? We didn’t get the chance to be kids. I want their biggest worry to be about whether we’re having pizza or hot dogs for dinner. Play with toy guns and not have to worry about using the real deal before they’re old enough to drive. “Why?” I asked, not understanding what he was trying to get at.